What are bandhas?
Bandhas, commonly known as energy locks, stem the flow of prana (our subtle life force energy) and turn it in the opposite direction.
The main aim of bandas is to purify and enliven the pranic system and to bring the prana and the attention into the central energy channel - Sushumna. When the attention enters the central channel it is possible to have deeply peaceful and profound meditations.
How many bandas are there?
There are three main bandhas plus Maha Bandha (Great Bandha) which is a combination of the first three below:
- Moola bandha
- Uddiyana bandha
- Jalandhara bandha
- Maha Bandha

Maha Banha
Moolha Bandha is the root bandha which is activated when the pelvic floor muscles are drawn up. This stems the downward flow of Apana Vayu and sends it upwards toward the navel centre.
Uddiyana Bandha relates to the midsection and is activated when the deep abdominals (TVA) are activated and drawn inward. This Bandha restricts the side to side movement of the Samana Vayu and holds in towards the central channel (there are three main channels in the subtle system - the central channel relates to being present-minded).
Jalandhara Bandha relates to the throat area and is activated when the chin is drawn down and in and the shoulders are drawn up. This turns the Prana Vayu downwards towards the navel.
Maha Bandha is a combination of all three bandhas and is activated when the breath is outside of the body ie. when you fully exhale and hold your breath with empty lungs. Maha Bandha brings the pranas into the midsection area where they are purified by our inner fire element (agni) located in the solar plexus hence “solar” plexus.
What is Prana?
There are five types of Prana in the human subtle field. Each type of prana flows in a different way and relates to specific functionings in the subtle and physical body as well as in the mental and emotional states. To learn more about the 5 Pranas read the full article - The 5 Pranas and their Vayus.