Knowledge Portal Foundational knowledge and techniquesComplete Chakra + Subtle System Charts_PDFTechnique for clearing the chakras_PDFTechnique for balancing the right side (Pingala Nadi)_PDFTechnique for balancing the left side (Ida Nadi)_PDFTechnique for removing negative energy (foot soaking)_PDFWords of wisdomBhagavad Gita_extractThe Prophet_Speak To Us Of Freedom_extractThe Upanishads_extractPlato_Last Days Of Socrates_extractTao Te Ching_extractThe Light Of Spirit Awakens 5D_extractUpanishads-Chandogya_extractMartin Luther King (Strength To Love)_extractWilliam Shakespear_extractEssene Book Of Jesus-The Sevenfold Peace_extractThe Dhamapada_extractTad Nishkala