The human subtle system
Our spiritual apparatus is a vastly intricate one, made up of thousands of channels which carry energy throughout the body.
The concentrations of the energy in the subtle system are called Chakras (‘wheels’ in Sanskrit), or energy centres.
The entire system is governed by three primary vertical channels of energy called Nadis in Sanskrit and by seven main chakras which a located on the central channel. There are also sub-chakras that a located either side of their central channel counterparts. You'll learn more about these when you sign up for the email course.
Through the Self Realisation Meditation process, our subtle system is fully activated with the awakening of the Kundalini, which cleans and balances the entire system and enlightens the pure qualities of the chakras within us.
Kundalini and it's meaning
Kundalini is our inner energy, it (she) is coiled at the base of the spine just above the base chakra. It is the residual energy of the inner spirit. The inner spirit is located in the left sub plexus of the heart chakra.
The word Kundal is a Sanskrit word which is suggestive of the potential energy contained within a coil or a spring.
Ini is a Sanskrit suffix which denotes the feminine aspect.
Kundalini is akin to the Yin/feminine energy and when it unites with the inner spirit, which is akin to Yang/masculine, we have the combination of two complementary energies that create a unified whole.
This is true yoga!
The Chakras (Energy Centres)
The chakras are centres of energy looking after diverse aspects of our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. In western medical science, their physical representations are the plexuses.
In Sanskrit, the meaning of chakra is “wheel”. They are represented as wheels of energy turning in a clockwise direction.
Each chakra vibrates with a specific quality. When fully manifested, these qualities are expressed in our lives, giving us inner balance and beauty.
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