Your Kundalini has risen when your hands begin to speak
Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world.
At the same time, within us resides a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centres of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.
Notice, in the diagram below, that the numbers corresponding to the chakras are also represented on the hands.

The reason is that our fingertips and palms contain nerve endings that connect with the chakras.
The sensations we feel on the fingertips and palms help us detect and experience the flow of kundalini in the nadis and through the chakras.
This allows us to be our own master. We sense our own short comings and bring them into balance through own own understanding.
Understanding the qualities of the chakras
Each of the seven main chakras situated on the central channel has specific spiritual qualities.
1. Mooladhara - Innocence and wisdom.
2. Swadisthana - Creativity.
3. Nabhi (also known as Manipura) - Peace, generosity and evolution.
4. Anahata - Love, compassion and fearlessness.
5. Vishuddhi - Collectivity, diplomacy and detachment.
6. Agnya - Forgiveness and humility.
7. Sahasrara - Integration.
These qualities are intact within us, and even though they might not always be fully manifested, they can never be destroyed.
Besides the main chakras on the central channel there are also associated sub-chakras on the left and right channel.
This gives us our 21 chakras, each with their own unique qualities.
The qualities in the sub-chakras align themselves with the overarching quality of the channel they reside in on either the left, or right.
Manifestation of the pure qualities from within
When the Kundalini is awakened, these qualities start manifesting spontaneously and express themselves in our life.
Thus, through regular self realisation meditation, we effortlessly deepen the qualities of the chakras and they spontaneously integrate into our persona.
A feeling of interconnectedness awakens from within. A natural sense of humility, and a deep loving compassion towards all living things begins flowing outwards into our daily interactions.
We find ourselves organically becoming very dynamic, creative and confident.
It is a process which starts to develop by itself as the Kundalini rises and begins to nourish our chakras in our daily meditations.