Please fill out the form below and press submit
Testimonial Title
Why did you sign up for the Gentle Hatha course? (Ie: de-stress? Pain relief? Nurture body? Flexibility?)
What was the main take away on a physical level?
How did you feel mentally and or emotionally during or after doing it?
What were the key take aways you learnt from the routine and or tutorials?
Stylisticly, how did you feel about the video production?
Length and Depth, how did you feel about the length of the course? And did it provide the depth of information you were seeking?
How easy was it navigate around the course pages?
How could you see yourself using this in daily life? (Ie: release tension after sitting for long periods? integrate in current yoga practice? Relax body and or mind after work?)
How well did you connect with Peter and his instruction style?
Please add any further comments
How can we improve the Gentle Hatha Course offering?
Which did you prefer best, the colour or black and white version of the final practice video?